Cut flowers for export Cover Image

Cut flowers for export

Cut flowers for export Profile Picture

Project details: Al NOUR Co. Previously ( Al El Hadad ) is one of the first suppliers and exporters of fresh cut flowers from Egypt to Most of the countries of the Arab and foreign markets. We can provide excellent quality at very competitive prices. The company has considerable experience in the field of agriculture, harvest, packaging, cooling and transporting to ensure flowers arriving to the customer airport in excellent condition Our flowers includes: Tulip ,Iris, Chrysanthemum , Rose , Carnation, Solidago , Gypsophila , Strelitzia , Gerbera , Lillium,Lillium Oriental , Anthurium , Calla, Gladiolus , Tuba Rosa and all kinds of green leaves we put the flowers inside boxes of carton with dimensions (25 × 45 × 1o0) of a good material to provide full protection for the product packaged inside. Your trust is our first goal Please feel free to contact us by an email if you need more information: Best Regards,,SoherNour
I Have: لدى شركه للتصدير والاستيراد ولدى خبره فى الانواع والجوده ولدى قدرة تامه على ادارة المشروع
Detaild project requirements: اذا فى اخوة عرب او مصرين مقيمين انشاء اماكن توزيع

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Al NOUR  Import & Export Profile Picture
Al NOUR Import & Export
Last Seen: 7 years ago
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