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The Washington Outsider

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تفاصيل المشروع: The Washington Outsider ( is a forum for the Peoples of the world. More often than not, the world focuses far too heavily on what Washington is doing and saying. As a result, average Americans, as well as citizens of other Nations, are generally locked out of the political arena. With exception to Election Day and a few town hall style meetings, powerful small groups of political leaders, analysts, and commentators decide what questions are asked, how they are answered, and what policies are developed based on those questions. Because our world is growing ever more interconnected, People need to be involved while society must balance the many short-term, long-term, and broad interests of the world’s population. We live in a highly dynamic global community where a failure to pursue your own interests and the interests of your community will eventually lead to devastation for both you and your community. In turn, this type of social decay undermines the f
لدي: My name is Matthew Justin Geiger; I currently hold a BS in physics and psychology based politics from Allegheny College of Meadville, Pennsylvania. I am a freelance writer, political analyst, commentator, and scientist presenting my views through the ​Yahoo! Contributor Network, Full of Knowledge,, and the Helium Network while I am also the creator/manager of ​The Washington Outsider. In addition, I have written a short story collection, “​Dreaming of​ Other Realities,” two novellas “​Alien Assimilation” and “​The Survivor,” and a poetry collection, “​A Candle Shrouded in Darkness” available on ​Amazon. My goals are to offer my opinions and skills to those who are in need of an honest, professional consultant or freelance writer. Specialties: writing on politics, social issues, legal issues, psychology, family issues; editing; review; scientific review; debate; lobbying; mediation, conflict resolution
تفاصيل متطلبات المشروع: The Washington Outsider is well underway, but I need help introducing it to the world and finding sources of funding to maintain and expand my activities.

بيانات صاحب المشروع

الجنس : ذكر

آخر ظهور: : منذ 7 سنوات

Washington Outsider Profile Picture
Washington Outsider
آخر ظهور: منذ 7 سنوات
أداة تخطيط أعمال مؤلفة من صفحة واحدة تقرأها. Lean Canvas هو قالب خطة أعمال مؤلف من صفحة واحدة يساعدك على تفكيك فكرتك في افتراضاتها الرئيسية باستخدام 9 وحدات بناء أساسية.
لمعلومات أكثر عن ال lean canvas برجاء الضغط على الرابط التالي المزيد .. ..

المشاكل والعقبات


مقاييس رئيسية

قيمة فريدة من نوعها

ميزة غير عادلة


شرائح العملاء

هيكل التكاليف

تدفق الإيرادات

مساحة العصف الذهني