مدينة العاب مغلقة City of electr Cover Image

مدينة العاب مغلقة City of electr

مدينة العاب مغلقة City of electr Profile Picture

Project details: Establishing a closed games city,in the city does not have of this type of project,economy in the community 30%-38% High standard of living,and 35%-40% average living condition, this is a great opportunity for those with sufficient capital, this is the first plan of the project,I have a strategy plan with an innovative new idea.
I Have: 1-Specializing in Entrepreneurship 2-Experience 11 years of work from various fields 3-Founder of Paint Gallery with a medium sized supermarket with their management 4-Work as an employee of City Games, with relationships with management 5-A simplified study of the idea and gathering information for the project, failures, mistakes and success for 2 years
Detaild project requirements: financial support Expert partner

Owner's data

Gender : ذكر

Place : Iraq - اربيل - Erbil

Last Seen: : 5 years ago

louay Profile Picture
Last Seen: 5 years ago
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Key metrics

Unique value proposition

An unfair advantage


Customer segments

Cost structure

Revenue flow

Brainstorming area

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