دراسات معملية لتحسين معدلات الاد Cover Image

دراسات معملية لتحسين معدلات الاد

دراسات معملية لتحسين معدلات الاد Profile Picture

Project details: Enhancing heat transfer is used in many engineering applications such as heat exchangers, air conditioning, chemical[left] reactors[center] and refrigeration systems. Hence many techniques have been investigated for enhancement of heat transfer rate and decreasing the size and cost of the equipment. One of the most important techniques used are passive heat transfer technique by using swirl flow devices. This work presents an experimental study of heat transfer enhancement and friction factor characteristics in decaying turbulent swirl flow generated by a short helical tape placed at the entrance of the inner tube of shell and tube heat exchanger. A comparison between the results of present work and published results of full length helical and twisted tapes inserts has shown superior heat transfer enhancement using short length helical tapes inserted in cold water tube as compared to full length twisted tapes in the Reynolds number range of Re=3432–5108 and same performance of the ful
I Have: ماجستير فى هندسة الطاقة 12سنة خبرة فى هذا المجال فدرة عالية فى ادارة المشروع ( مع العلم بانة تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع واثبتت النتائج زيادة فى الاداء الحرارى بشكل مثالى بالمقارنة بالتقنيات الاخرى المستخدمة
Detaild project requirements: الاشخاص العمليون والذين سيساعدوك فى اتمام مشروعك سيكون لهم حصة فى الارباح او فى راس المال

Owner's data

Gender : ذكر

Have : Exprience

Place : Egypt - السويس

Last Seen: : 4 years ago

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