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Project details: Feasibility Study Environmental Controlled Layer Farm (30,000 Birds) 6 | Page 2 INTRODUCTIONS 2.1 Project Brief Environmental Controlled Layer is a Live Stock based project. This can be started in both rural and urban areas. The focus of the commercial environmental controlled shed layer industry is the production of eggs under intensive husbandry. The egg component includes production of white and brown eggs that are either marketed in the bulk processed, or sold as value-added products. Day old chicks of Layer are initially reared for a period of 18 weeks. On completion of rearing period, the birds then start laying eggs for a period of next 82 weeks (19 months). On an average, one-layer lays about 480 eggs per laying season of 82 weeks. After the completion of laying period, the layers are sold in the market as culled birds. The selling price of these birds is determined on per bird basis. It should be kept in mind that many factors must be considered w
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Detaild project requirements: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Eggs are vital source of providing high quality of animal proteins, having excellent source of iron, phosphorus, selenium and other minerals which are daily requirement of the human body. Animal Protein is more valuable than that of plant protein. Per capita consumption of eggs in many countries is far below the minimum recommended level. The average availability of protein in Philippine is 72.0 grams a day, which is far less than the recommended daily dietary protein consumption of 102.7 grams. In Philippine Egg numbers are increasing by the rate of 6.79% per anum and about 69.76% of Eggs comes from commercial layer farming and rest of it comes from Rural Poultry. Layer sector is contributing its major share to provide animal protein to the masses but this important sector is facing great problems in the form of heat stress, hot and humid weather conditions, mortality in flocks by poor management practices. These all factors result severe shortage of eggs in country. Environmental controlled houses can overcome this critical situation, which counteracts the adverse effects of heat stress providing tunnel ventilation and enhancing the wind chill effect. These houses when equipped with highly mechanized system of automatic chain feeding and nipple drinking makes the environment quite conducive for eggs production in layer farm. Day old chicks of Layer are initially reared for a period of 18 weeks. On completion of 18 weeks, the birds then start laying eggs for a period of next 82 weeks. These birds will be kept in cages throughout 100 weeks. On an average, one-layer lays about 450-480 eggs per laying season of 82 weeks. After the completion of laying period, the layers are sold in the market as culled birds. The selling prices of these birds are determined on per bird basis. 30,000 layers are viable economic size to start an environmental controlled layer farm, where the operational and fixed costs are justifiable because, below 30,000 layers means to increase the production costs while the fixed costs remain same. A Controlled Environmental Layer farm with a population of 30,000 layers started in a pre-fabricated building shed requires total investment estimated at USD 618,757.

Owner's data

Gender : ذكر

Place : Philippines

Last Seen: : 6 years ago

Mahdi zaid Profile Picture
Mahdi zaid
Last Seen: 6 years ago
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